Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

Issue: Magic Messenger November 2024

The Broken Wand

Harriet Jacobson Harriet Jacobson, 80, of West Bloomfield, died on Oct. 9, 2024after a short but courageous battle with cancer. Harriet, was a beloved figure in the Michigan, National and International magic world. Born in Detroit, Harriet made her home in West Bloomfield Michigan with her now diseased husband and fellow magician Michael. Interestingly, her […]

The President’s Corner

Hello AAMC Members & Friends, We live in an age where we have access to a myriad of information on any subject. Here we are talking mainly about the magical arts and associated performing arts. We can search the world wide web on our computers and phones from just about anywhere. From books to magazine […]

Around the Town

Calendar of Events   Join us for an unforgettable evening with Draygon! At our November meeting you will be treated to a lecture by none other than Michigan’s own Draygon. Hailing from the vibrant magic scene of Detroit, Dreygon has been captivating audiences with his innovative performances since childhood. Now, at just 21, he’s graced […]

The Secretary’s Report

Our Monthly Meeting was led by Club VP Sean Howell as President Dan Jones was away on important business. First several guests were welcomed. Secretary Karl Rabe’s brother John Rabe was in town for a visit from Los Angeles. Another Guest was Ryan Hoffman. Ryan’s Father was a local performing clown. Ryan attended his first […]

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