Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

The President’s Corner

Hello AAMC Members & Friends,

We live in an age where we have access to a myriad of information on any subject. Here we are talking mainly about the magical arts and associated performing arts. We can search the world wide web on our computers and phones from just about anywhere. From books to magazine and newspaper articles, instructions and instructional videos you can find most anything. And we here at the Ann Arbor Magic Club try to host at least a few lectures a year thanks to Mike Bogdas' wonderful efforts. The other clubs in Michigan & Ohio do the same and invite us there also.

We are hosting local magician Dreygon Hibbler at our November 13th meeting. You won't want to miss it.

But let me return to learning magic. Some will say there is nothing better than picking up and delving into a magic book. On the AAMC's recent TV appearance on FOX News Saturday Tara McAllister was asked by Charlie Langton how to get started in magic, and she immediately replied "books". I don't remember if her exact words were, " it's a bit old school but there are vast amounts of knowledge to be gained from books". And from visiting brick & mortar magic shops. Great advice Tara.

You don't have to recharge a book. As long as you have at least some candle light you can read it anywhere. It's less likely to be stolen or broken. Value your books. Revisit your books. Keep learning from your books.

Take a lesson from H.G. Wells and "The Time Machine" (1960 film adaptation) where the protagonist of the time machine (1960) takes three unnamed books with him back to the future to help restart civilization.

Which three (magic?) books would you have taken?

Dan Jones, President
Ann Arbor Magic Club

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