Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

Issue: Magic Messenger April 2022

Funny Business

A cruise ship hired a magician to entertain the passengers. Since the passengers changed every four or five days, the magician was able to perform the same tricks over and over. Unfortunately, the Captain of the ship had a parrot who sat around and watched the magician perform his tricks, over and over. Eventually, the parrot […]

Next Meeting

This Wednesday, April 13th is our meeting at the Senate Coney Island in Livonia.  Come one and all and bring a friend. The theme this month is “Egg Bag” and we’re looking forward to see what you all have to perform.  Do you perform the egg bag trick?  Any other egg tricks or perhaps a trick w/ […]

The Secretary’s Report

We had a great meeting in March. Bill & Karl Rabe opened the meeting as our featured magician’s of the month. Bill produced a three-foot rabbit from a top hat using a bike-pump magic wand. Then Karl and Bill performed their original take on Stratosphere called Tennis Sphere. Bill has a new job pumping air […]

The President’s Corner

Hello AAMC Members and Friends. At last our official AAMC Club newsletter is back.  We have members stepping up to help fill the gaps that were left by some members moving on for various reasons. Our club is doing very well so far this Spring. We implemented some changes to our monthly meetings which make them more fun, entertaining […]

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