Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

Current Messenger

On the Cover

By Karl Rabe

Magic Messenger April 2022

At the March Meeting, Club member Bill Rabe produces a three foot rabbit from hat using a bicycle tire pump as a magic wand. Photo by Ken Magee.

President's Corner

By Dan Jones

Hello AAMC Members and Friends. At last our official AAMC Club newsletter is back.  We have members stepping up to help fill the gaps that were left by some members moving on for various reasons. Our club is doing very well so far this Spring. We implemented some changes to our monthly meetings which make them more fun, entertaining and informative.

The AAMC is growing also. From September to December 2021 we signed up 5 new members.Mike Bogdas and Phil Mann both joined at our magic flea market in September.  Peter Neuroth and Linda Neuroth both joined shortly after that.  And "Dynamike" the Magician, Michael Lackey joined our club in December.

Secretary's Report

By Karl Rabe

We had a great meeting in March. Bill & Karl Rabe opened the meeting as our featured magician's of the month. Bill produced a three-foot rabbit from a top hat using a bike-pump magic wand.

Then Karl and Bill performed their original take on Stratosphere called Tennis Sphere. Bill has a new job pumping air into the tennis ball can, but he keeps pumping too hard and the pink ball won't stay on top. Complete instructions for making Tennis Sphere can be found in The Inventor's Notebook #5. Finally Karl and Bill performed Rabe's Nest of Boxes, a tribute to Tommy Wonder. A watch borrowed from Bob Goodwin to keep time for an action ends up getting smashed along with the table it is on. The watch is later found inside two locked boxes, proving once again that a Timex can take a lickin' and keep on ticking'.

Phil Mann performed a version of Scotch and Soda using a record album and an upside-down wine glass. Phil also performed a coin through handkerchief and gave some pointers on the French Drop.

Ken MaGee shared some of his Golf Act and character Sandy Wedge. Ken correctly predicted a total golf score that had been tallied by several members of the audience.

Dan Jones shared a coin matrix routine he has been working on "The Great British Coin Trick". Springboarding off of Dan's routine, Sean shared his superb version of the coin matrix using full size dollar coins.

These notes were reconstructed after-the-fact, so apologies if anyone was missed.

Next Meeting

By Dan Jones

This Wednesday, April 13th is our meeting at the Senate Coney Island in Livonia.  Come one and all and bring a friend.
The theme this month is "Egg Bag" and we're looking forward to see what you all have to perform.  Do you perform the egg bag trick?  Any other egg tricks or perhaps a trick w/ a rubber chicken?  Let's see how creative you can be.  As always please feel free to bring whatever you would like to show.
At this meeting Kevin Peshick has donated two beautiful framed Thurston poster prints to give away as door prizes. See below.  They would look great hanging in anyone's magic room, man cave or she shed.
We look forward to seeing you all at the Senate Coney Island on Plymouth Rd. at the corner of Stark Rd. The AAMC meeting starts at 7 pm but please join us at 6 pm if you'd like to eat dinner.


Around the Town

By Karl Rabe

Other Upcoming Events

Check out John Luka's Magic page and his well maintained list of Michigan Events.

Funny Business

By Karl Rabe

A cruise ship hired a magician to entertain the passengers.

Since the passengers changed every four or five days, the magician was able to perform the same tricks over and over.

Unfortunately, the Captain of the ship had a parrot who sat around and watched the magician perform his tricks, over and over. Eventually, the parrot learned how the tricks were done and would interrupt the act. “It’s in his sleeve,” the parrot would say. “He switched balls.” “It’s in his pocket.” Etc., etc.

Naturally, the magician was quite disturbed by the parrot but could do nothing about it, since it belonged to the Captain.

Unfortunately, the cruise ship had the misfortune of hitting an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the sea in a matter of minutes. As fate would have it, the magician and the parrot managed to grab hold of the same floating piece of furniture.

For 3 days, neither said anything.

The magician stared at the parrot and the parrot stared back.

Finally, on the 4th day, the parrot cracked and said, “OK, I give up, where on Earth did you put the ship?”

Swag is now in stock and for sale. Contact Treasurer Rob Krozal to get your's today!

Visit the club website for past issues, calendar of upcoming events, and other features and articles.


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The 2025 Ann Arbor Magic Club Board

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Updated: December 10, 2024 — 4:14 pm
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