Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

Magic Messenger Upcoming Events Section

AAMC Monthly Meeting @ Plymouth Community Arts Council
Feb 12 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The club meets once a month on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm. The doors usually open 15 or 20 minutes before 7pm.

  Members are invited to bring magic to perform at the meeting.  We encourage members to perform at every meeting, however we have some non-performing members. That is OK too. Some members, for example are interested in the history of magic, but they do not perform.   If you are not currently a member but are interested in learning more, you are welcome to attend one of our meetings and check us out. Everyone is welcome.   A number of members meet for dinner at 5:00 pm on meeting days at Stella’s Black Dog Tavern  just 5 minutes from the Arts Council at 860 Fralick Ave. Plymouth, MI 48170. All are welcome.
Detroit Magic Club Monthly Meeting @ Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Ring 22 meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 749 W. 14 Mile Rd., Clawson, MI 48017. 48017 - Phone: (248) 589-0334 - From the intersection of 14 Mile and Main, go west on 14 Mile Rd. for a half mile.

AAMC Monthly Board Meeting
Feb 19 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

All Members in Good Standing are welcome to join our Monthly Board Meetings which generally occur the 3rd Wed on the month from 6pm - 7pm via Zoom. Zoom information can be found here.

Club Birthday
Feb 23 all-day

The club received their IBM charter on February 23, 1971.

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AAMC Monthly Meeting @ Plymouth Community Arts Council
Mar 12 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The club meets once a month on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm. The doors usually open 15 or 20 minutes before 7pm.


Members are invited to bring magic to perform at the meeting.  We encourage members to perform at every meeting, however we have some non-performing members. That is OK too. Some members, for example are interested in the history of magic, but they do not perform.


If you are not currently a member but are interested in learning more, you are welcome to attend one of our meetings and check us out. Everyone is welcome.


A number of members meet for dinner at 5:00 pm on meeting days at Stella’s Black Dog Tavern  just 5 minutes from the Arts Council at 860 Fralick Ave. Plymouth, MI 48170. All are welcome.

John Luka Lecture @ Plymouth Community Arts Council
Mar 12 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

John Luka Lecture
Secrets you Can and Will use!

The Ann Arbor Magic Club is proud to present "Secrets You Can and Will Use", a lecture by John Lukka. on Thursday March 12 at 7pm at the Plymouth Community Arts Council at​ 774 N. Sheldon Road in Plymouth Michigan (On Sheldon Rd just South of M-14). Free for all regional Magic Club Members. $10 Cash at the door for all others.

John Luka has been an avid magic enthusiast for most of his life. Included among his mentors were Milt Kort and Harry Riser. This lecture contains material from John’s book, Uncovered, and his DVD by the same name.

You will find routines that range in skill level from nearly self-working to some that are a bit more challenging. However, you will NOT find any knuckle busters in the items presented. Featured is Doubling Back Home, an incredible routine that’s a real fooler. You will enjoy it.

You will find that John’s lecture contains more do-able, practical, strong magic than most lectures. Come see for yourself. You’ll be glad you did.

Here's what others are saying about John's lecture.

  • “IBM Ring 68 hosted a lecture by John Luka featuring his new book “Uncovered”. John is an excellent thinker, and pay’s close attention to detail. His work, mostly with cards and a few other props, is a close up workers dream. Be sure to see John or book his lecture for your club, you won’t be disappointed.” - Pattrick Przysiecki - Toledo Society of Magicians
  • “Do not be fooled by John Luka's quiet demeanor. His material is deadly. There are more commercial close-up routines in his book and lecture than you could possibly expect from any lecture. Great variety, clear, strong effects, wonderful handlings. There are routines for every level of skill. You've got to see this guy when he comes to your town.” – Marc DeSouza
  • Very few lectures are practical lessons of solid, commercial, engaging routines within the reach of the average magician. John Luka's lecture is one of those rare wonderful lectures.” - Mark Kandel, President Ring 22, Detroit
  • “John Luka's lecture, Secrets for the Serious Magician, was a hit at the Parent Assembly. Well known close-up magicians from New York City attended to watch the strong and practical magic John had to offer. No knuckle-busters - just commercial, well thought out, and entertaining close-up magic. Highly recommended!" – Ken Schwabe, S.A.M. Assembly # 1
  • “John's lecture really stands out for clever useable material. Two routines have gone right into my repertoire. I know other members in our club also discovered some practical material, which they can use. Thanks again.” - Mark E Ginther MD, President of Ring 212, Bay City, MI

Here's what others are saying about the effects in the lecture.

  • “Your book Uncovered is great! I particularly enjoyed Licked at Last, Michigan Monte, and, of course, Back to the 19th Century. Your magic is very well thought out and your attention to detail is inspiring. Dai Vernon would be proud! Thank you for sharing.” – Daryl
  • "The ambitious card routine is a GEM!" – Tom Craven
  • "I am now using Licked At Last and Back To The 19th Century" – Dan Tong
  • “Back To The 19th Century alone is worth the price of the book.” – Craig Alan
  • “I blew them away with Licked At Last. It was a good feeling!” – Mark Zacharia
Detroit Magic Club Monthly Meeting @ Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mar 18 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Ring 22 meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 749 W. 14 Mile Rd., Clawson, MI 48017. 48017 - Phone: (248) 589-0334 - From the intersection of 14 Mile and Main, go west on 14 Mile Rd. for a half mile.

AAMC Monthly Board Meeting
Mar 19 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

All Members in Good Standing are welcome to join our Monthly Board Meetings which generally occur the 3rd Wed on the month from 6pm - 7pm via Zoom. Zoom information can be found here.

AAMC Monthly Meeting @ Plymouth Community Arts Council
Apr 9 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The club meets once a month on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm. The doors usually open 15 or 20 minutes before 7pm.


Members are invited to bring magic to perform at the meeting.  We encourage members to perform at every meeting, however we have some non-performing members. That is OK too. Some members, for example are interested in the history of magic, but they do not perform.


If you are not currently a member but are interested in learning more, you are welcome to attend one of our meetings and check us out. Everyone is welcome.


A number of members meet for dinner at 5:00 pm on meeting days at Stella’s Black Dog Tavern  just 5 minutes from the Arts Council at 860 Fralick Ave. Plymouth, MI 48170. All are welcome.

Detroit Magic Club Monthly Meeting @ Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Apr 15 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Ring 22 meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 749 W. 14 Mile Rd., Clawson, MI 48017. 48017 - Phone: (248) 589-0334 - From the intersection of 14 Mile and Main, go west on 14 Mile Rd. for a half mile.

Updated: January 28, 2022 — 2:36 pm
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