Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

The Secretary’s Report

September Meeting

Our meeting was called to order by Dan Jones and we kicked off with our round-table question, "What big illusion inspires you the most"? A number of people liked Metamorphosis. Also mentioned were Zig-Zag, Origami, Interlude, sawing in half, levitations and Assistants Revenge.

Then member Bob Goodwin, our resident numbers guy,  kicked us of with a variety of mathematical related effects. As Dr. Zoltan he performed a prediction effect, a comedy number prediction with a clip-board that made mind readers of the audience and several other number effects. Bob then explained the principles behind the effects using a Magic Square, a 2-digit number force, a 3-digit number force and a force square.

Bob Goodwin as Dr. Zoltan

Next President Dan Jones walked us through some bits of business, including updates on the club picnic which had a great turnout, the upcoming Pop-Up Magic Shop (Flea Market) and the upcoming Parlor Show.

Then it was on to member performances.

  • Ming and Barbara Loui performed with their classic Collector's Workshop snake basket.
  • Karl and Bill did their original "Duo-Sphere" routine where the colored balls magically switch places between two stratospheres. That led into an original version of the 6 card repeat called "Bill's 3 Card Trick".
  • Next, Kevin Peshik performed a "foolproof" any card at any number type routine where the deck turns out to be all jokers except one.
  • Phil Mann performed several routines including the crystal cube silk production, a silk vanishing wand, a color changing die, silk to rose and a necklace trick.
  • Dan Jones performed a coin vanish using sound effects.
  • Finally, Mike Bogdas selected Charlie as a volunteer for a card selection and reveal.

Then it was on to fellowship and magic jamming for the remainder of the evening.

Pop-Up Magic Shop

The AAMC Pop-up Magic Shop was a great success. We sold out 18 tables and had tons of magic for sale. Our Treasurer reported we had 40 customers and overall netted just a bit under $425.

Don Oesterwind did a fantastic job as auctioneer and helped the club raise almost $250. We had a couple volunteers cancel at the last minute and Jackie Sanders volunteered to handle collecting admission charges. Thanks to Dan Jones who also helped with admissions and Rob Krozel who managed the table rentals and the concessions as our Treasurer. Rob also donated the beverages and candy. Special thanks to SAM President John Sturk who rented a table but also jumped in and demoed some items during the auction to add to the fun. Thanks also to all who either rented a table or attended and those that put items up for auction. The event wouldn't be possible without you. We hoped to have a better turnout from the community. That didn't happen. We will need to work on that for next year.

7 Vendors responded to a survey we sent out after the event. Here is how they rated the event in each of these areas.


We are using a benchmark method called Net Promotor Score (NPS) as an overall benchmark on customer (vendors) satisfaction. You can read more about Net Promotor Scores here.

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