We had a fantastic turnout for our meeting with a number of guests and old friends. The feature of the evening was our 2nd Annual Ann Arbor Magic Club Close-up Showcase. Six members competed against each for the coveted 1st Place Close-up Showcase Trophy. The format involved each of the six performers stationed at their own table with 30 plus audience members split up into groups of five or six rotating every five minutes to the next table. After the magicians had performed six times all audience members had seen each magician and they voted on their favorite.
- April Barrett performed several predictions including a comedy 3-1/2 of Clubs reveal.
- Phil Mann stood at a small table busker style. He opened with a four rose production and then went into a coin through miniature table routine and a coin matrix.
- Charlie Palko is our youngest member. Charlie kicked off with some nice sleight-of-hand, transforming a chewed piece of gum into an un-chewed stick. Then suddenly the gum was wrapped! Charlie also performed a nice card to deck which visually transformed into a sealed envelope which contained the correct prediction.
- Alex Heath has been a member for only a few months, but has impressed us all with his classic sleight of hand. Tonight was no different as Alex performed a very nice cups-and-balls routine.
- Kevin Peshick did a spooky routine with an old watch and a tarot deck. A couple of cut-to cards chosen under a "cloak of darkness" correspond to the hands on the watch the spectator has been holding the entire time.
- Michael Thornton may have only joined our club last month, but he is a seasoned pro familiar to most of us. He opened with a comedy candle to bouquet and then went into a borrowed finger ring on rope routine that culminated in the ring vanishing and later being found inside a sealed envelope in his wallet.
After all the votes were in, the winner was revealed to be Michael Thornton. President Dan Jones and Sergeant at Arms Mike Bogdas presented Michael with the trophy. Then as is tradition, Mike repeated his routine for the other 5 performers so they could enjoy it too.
After a few bits of business from our President Dan Jones, it was on to member performances.
- Our Secretary Karl Rabe performed an Any Card at Any Number (ACAN) routine (VOX) with one human and Siri as assistants. The human correctly sensed Siri's vibes.
- Jeff Jackowski, a returning member, performed his classic ring and rope entertaining the crowd with the story of his father when Jeff was just a wee lad.
- Then another guest Fred Lenter fro Ring 22 performed a baffling ACAN adding in the element of two decks - one of which was borrowed.
- Don Oesterwind, Jr. demoed his latest acquisition from Michigan Magic Day, a metal wand/pen that changed its physical texture on demand.
- Phil Mann performed a classic Sponge Rabbits routine with Bill Rabe assisting.
- Finally, Dreygon Hibbler another guest from Ring 22 member and fresh from performing at The Magic Castle, performed a "Transmorgograpy" sandwich card transposition where the selected card by Mike Palko magically disappears from Mike's hands and re-appeared between two previously selected card in April Barrett's hands.
Members then socialized and jammed for the remaining 20 minutes having such a good time they had to be kicked out like last-call at the bar.
- April Barrett’s book test
- Alex Heath
- Alex Heath
- L-R Mike Bogdas, Mike Thornton, Dan Jones
- Mke Thornton shares his winning routine with the other competitors
- Mirf (L) and Dreygon (R)
- Magic Jamming
- Bou-Yu and Tara
- Performers view
- Former (and maybe future) Member Jeff Jackowski
- Charlie’s Dad (L) and April (R) assist Dreygon Hibbler (Center)
- Mike doesn’t leave home without it
- That which Phil calls a rose…
- Phil performing coin matrix
- Charlie