July Meeting
Our meeting started off with a bang as the featured performer, Mike Thornton, amazed and entertained us with his close-up act. For Mike's finale, he literally "cut the cards" in the card box, so the chosen card was the only one not cut to shreds.
Then it was on to a few business items.
- Kay Janiczek introduced a guest, her friend Noah Royak from Florida. As we were soon to find out, Noah is, among other things, a juggler and sword swallower.
- Our Treasurer Rob Krozal gave us a quick financial update.
- Our President Dan Jones delivered his 2nd of 6 member addresses as a future outgoing president. This month Dan talked about the "humble magician" and the opportunities for all of us for self improvement.
Then it was time for Rob's Corner. Our Treasurer Rob Krozal shared a prop from his collection, a very nice and large Square-Circle (maker unknown). Rob performed a bit culminating in the production of silks from the tubes.
Next, our educational section was an open discussion on performing Kids Magic. Kay Janiczek shared her persona's, some discussion on costumes, venues, music and selection of volunteers. Kay Suggested that kids performers check out Kids Bop each year to see what is popular in music. Mike Thornton added additional tips for scouting events and other banquet type performances for large groups of kids. Mike had success insisting that children sit with their parents, rather than in a big kids group. He also enlists in advance helpers who will intervene and take action if a child gets out of hand. Dan Jones, Kay, Brian Campbell and April Barrett shared tips on line work such as balloon twisting, how to end the line, and handling persistent parents.
Then it was time for member performances.
- Mike Bogdas performed an Attaboy routine using a prop customized for Bob Goodwin with the Attaboy head being a cutout of Bob's head in his mind reading persona.
- Mike Doyle performed a routine with a signed card appearing in an Altoids tin. He then did a casino stack of die routine with a predicted sum.
- Our guest Noah Royal then performed some juggling including plate spinning and then for what could have been the coup de grâce he performed some sword swallowing.
- Mike Reuter performed a strong any-card-at-any-number card prediction routine with kind of a Cardiographic twist.
- Alex Heath performed a card routine with Kay volunteering.
- Finally Karl Rabe wrapped up with a travel prediction based on the Binary Principle.
With the little time left, members jammed and socialized until they kicked us out of the building.