Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

The Secretary’s Report

Vice President Sean Naes President kicked us off with our round-table question. This month's question was "What move have you always wanted to learn but never did?". Answers ranged from double-lift, card palming, juggling, perfect table farro, and coin magic. Then it was on to magic with our featured performer Mike Bognas.

Mike performed an interesting effect called Forgetful Yogi using a vintage and rare  prop he inherited from his Grandfather (see On the Cover for more info about Forgetful Yogi). Mike removed Yogi's head which volunteer Phil Mann held devishly in a handkerchief. The head was replaced with a balloon (we always knew Yogi was a bit of an air head). Then a card was selected and Mike prompted Yogi to divine the card. Failing to do so, probably because he lost his head, Mike enlisted the crowd to chant Yogi's catch phrase "Hey hey hey!" a few times. This seemed to do the trick (pun intended) as the balloon popped, Yogi's head appeared and now Yogi was holding the selected card. Of course the head that Phil Mann had been holding seemed to have disappeared.

Mike Bodgas (Right) performed a Forgetful Yogi Bear trick as Phil Mann (left) holds onto Yogi's head.


Then Mike performed a mental epic routine, correctly predicting a thought of 3-digit number, a color and finally a favorite (?) food randomly choose by a spectator from Mike's notepad.


Then it was on to member magic.

Johnny NY performs as members look on (Clockwise) Barbara and Ming Louie, Dave and Jacki Sanders, Sean Naes, Bob Goodwin's leg, John Russell, Mike Bodgas and Phil Mann

  • Ming performed Kovarti Acrobatic Fish.
  • Johnny NY performed a card trick that involved an appearing card box, a color change, mixed cards becoming sorted with the use of goblets and last but not least a prank phone call. Whew!
  • Karl performed a mini-illusion he created which he calls Tube Zag. Karl's assistant Rocky Raccoon is hypnotized and then inserted in a tree stump, Rocky is cut in three with a small but loud chain saw. Blades are inserted and Rocky's mid-section is dissected and swung away from the trunk. Finally Rocky is restored and takes a bow.
  • John Russell performed a custom effect with Ikea frames. The black and white rabbits seem to jump back and forth but the sucker ending shows that the backs are completely different. John discussed how he customizes this for different holidays.
  • Phill Mann performed the Mental Dice trick he picked up at Abbott's Get Together. A large die changes colors based on audience choices.

Then it was on a "magic jam sessions".

  • Sean demonstrated a rope trick he is working on based on G. W. Hunter's Puzzle knot. The magician demonstrates how it is actually possible to tie a knot in a rope while holding one end in each hand and without letting go. Sean brought up Johnny NY and walked him through the steps, but try as he might, Johnny wasn't successful.
  • Ming then jumped up and demonstrated a variation that is a favorite of John Osborn.
  • Finally Johnny was taught "the trick" and successfully created the knot.
  • Ming then borrowed the ropes and used them to link volunteers Jacki and Dave Saunders who fortunately are married as they became quite entangled attempting to separate themselves.
  • Finally Karl jumped up and demonstrated a one hand knot tie.. first a legitimate one and then a "fake" one.










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