Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

The President’s Corner

My fellow compeers,

I apologize for missing last month's meeting; we had a family emergency here at the homestead. All is well now; Tracy is doing better and the doctors took great care of her. We appreciate all of the heartfelt well wishes and positive vibes sent our way.

I will not be at this month's meeting for a much different reason. Mirf and I are headed to Dade City, Florida for the Bay Area Renaissance Festival or more affectionately referred to in the RenFest community as BARF. I will miss all of you but have no fear, you're in good hands. Mike will emcee the meeting with Karl and Tara's help. If it wasn't for Mirf not being there you probably wouldn’t even notice I'm not there ;-)…just kidding, I know you'll all be sobbing…missing Mirf.

Our goal for this year is to increase attendance of our members at the monthly meetings. How we plan to do that is by offering you and our guests the best content available. We just had our annual in person planning meeting for the year and there are some exciting developments. Moving into the future with a constant eye on being the best magic club we can be. We have the greatest members that have so much to offer, Karl Rabe has implemented an electronic sign-up system for educational spots, feature performers, and upcoming contests in an effort to make it easier for you to volunteer.

We are going to have another club close up competition and we are adding a club parlor competition. In the spirit of competition, and since the close-up competition was such a hit last year, we decided to add a parlor competition for members to bring their best parlor act to the club stage. This is separate from the Parlor Show but that doesn’t mean if you're in the Parlor Show you can't use the same act in the parlor competition, in fact I encourage it.

The slate is set for the next Parlor Show May 24, 2025. In an effort to be more family friendly we have moved show times from 4 and 7 PM to 2 and 5 PM. We are also going to make tickets available again for members to be able to sell to friends, family and even strangers. This springs lineup is going to be incredible. Zoom rehearsals will Begin March 6 from 7:00 PM until 8:08 PMish when the Sterlini auction begins. If you're asking yourself: "Self; what's the Sterlini auction?" I'll tell you in a minute. First, Zoom rehearsals are for those that are performing in the show. I ask performers to attend at least one Zoom rehearsal so that I can see what the act is so I can arrange the order of performers in a way that offers the most success to the performers and maximum entertainment for the audience. Some performers need more than one session to prepare so I make sure I'm there to support in any way that I can. The Zoom rehearsals are open to all club members that would like to watch the performances and give positive helpful critiques or just enjoy the show and conversation. I always seem to learn something from every parlor show we do from our members and I love to see that continuing. While I will not be there in person, I will be there virtually as much as possible.

Lastly, Sterlini's Auction. Is every Thursday evening around 8:08 PMish on a Facebook Live session in the Sterlini's Magical Mayhem! Group. Live at the Magic Capitol of the World, Colon Mi. It's an online auction. Up for bids are all kinds of things from the old common, unusual, rare and funny items auctioned almost every week. It’s a very laid back, no pressure auction. No fees but some reserves on some expensive and rare items. If you're interested in attending. You must be a Facebook member and join the group. John and Tam Sterlini host.

Editor's Note

Find and Join Sterlini's Magical Mayhem! Facebook group here.

There will be a live video feed where you watch John and crew display different items up for bid. Those watching bid by making a comment in the chat. Payment and shipping is settled up after. Typically Sterlini will "hold" items for you in a box with your name on it and you can accumulate purchased items over time and then pick them up when you are able, have another member pick them up for you, or have them shipped. I have joined many times and so far have not bought anything. It is fun to watch and see the comments.

If you've read this far, Thank you. I look forward to seeing you all in the future.


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