Hello AAMC Members and Friends,
There is an election coming up this Fall. Who will lead us? Who will take us into 2025 and beyond? I'm not talking about THAT election. I'm talking about one that is important to the Ann Arbor Magic Club. The election of our club officers.
Do you have a desire to serve on the AAMC Board? Do you have ideas that you would like to see brought to life in the club? If so, then step up and run for an office. We have a great board right now and many of them plan to continue to serve if reelected but we can always use some fresh new ideas and faces.
Will you take a turn?
I am stepping down as President after several terms and will continue to be very involved as time allows. Please consider the idea.
Thank You.
Dan Jones, President
Ann Arbor Magic Club.
We will be holding elections for our 2025 Board at our November meeting. These are the board positions.
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Sgt at Arms
Every member may run for any office. If you are interested in running for one of these offices, please tell one of our current board members. Please do not suggest someone other than yourself. If you think someone else would be a good candidate, please speak directly to that person and they can submit their name if they are interested.
Nominations will close October 25 to allow time to prepare and distribute ballots for proxy voting for those that can't be at the November meeting.
We currently have one candidate for each position except Vice President. That should not dissuade you from submitting your name for any position.