Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

Funny Business

Not terribly punny...

  • A good magician's assistant is hard to find. They're highly sawed after.
  • The magician was sad he'd failed at his trick. He became a wand erring soul.
  • The magician was unrecognisable in the street. He always kept his hoodini up.
  • The magician got so angry he pulled his hair out.
  • The chocolate magician performed a lot of Twix.

For magician's only

  • Does anybody else own the Alex Elmsley box set? It's a 4 DVD compilation of his works. I haven't watched the third DVD but I saw the first one twice.
  • How many Spanish magicians does it take to memorize a stacked deck? Just Juan
  • How many magicians does it take to replace a light bulb? Fifteen. One to replace it, six to say, "You flashed!" and eight to say, "Let me show you my version of that."

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