We had just a delightful banquet on Sunday... terrific food, great camaraderie, and a wonderful magic show by Brad Toulouse! He was very impressed with our club... and so am I!
Just a reminder that this Wednesday is our monthly meeting at the Senate Coney Island on Plymouth Rd (and Stark) in Livonia. Meeting starts at 7pm (come early if you want to eat, please). This month's subject: Mysterious Magic ... ooooooh! We do so much comedy magic, I thought maybe it might be interesting to do something a bit more serious and mysterious. Having said that, as you know, our meetings are all about the magic, so bring whatever you want, and let's amaze each other!
There will be one more opportunity to sign up to volunteer for Michigan Magic Day, then we're going to have a meeting later in the month to go over the logistics and details. Registrations are coming in, and there is a lot of promotional materials out there. Set aside April 8th & 9th, and let's Celebrate Magic in Michigan!
Hope to see you all on Wednesday...
Magically Yours,
John Russell