Evaluator guy walks up to me and says with his arms crossed “So, You’re thinking of adding a cat to your show?”
Issue: Magic Messenger May 2024
Ex Libris
Announcing the new and improved Ann Arbor Magic Club Book Library. The Book Library has been in storage for many years and thanks to the efforts of several members, it is now back, online and better than ever. Dan Jones has been storing the collection. He performed a full inventory and then with the assistance […]
As a reoccurring feature of the Magic Messenger we will highlight a member and ask them to answer a few questions about themselves. This month instead of the normal questions, we are reprinting an article written by Ring 22 President Johnny New York featuring Marvin Mathena. Marvin has been both president of the Detroit Magic […]
Around the Town
The President’s Corner
Hello Fellow Magi of the Ann Arbor Magic Club and Friends, I would first like to say congratulations and thank you to all of our performers in last month’s Close Up Showcase competition. It was a great turnout of members and guests to support the performers of all skill levels and experience. They should all […]