Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

Current Messenger

On the Cover

By Karl Rabe

Magic Messenger September 2024

Member April Barrett demonstrates her routine for the classic Magic Coloring Book at our September Meeting.


President's Corner

By Dan Jones

Hello AAMC Members and Friends,

I'm inspired. I'm inspired by many of you and by being around you. To be in a club or organization like this with so many talented members is an awesome thing.

Our club has been around for over 50 years and it keeps growing and getting better. Thanks in part to the great board that we have and our club home the Plymouth Community Arts Council. Thank you Sean for leading us there.

I'm inspired by the participants in our Close Up Competition back at our April meeting. April Barrett was proud of herself for participating as a first timer and she was proud of Charlie Palko and Alex Heath also.Our newer and younger members jumped right in and got involved.

Karl and Bill Rabe inspire me as a wonderful team of performers who are always willing to put an act together for a show or meeting.  How many of us can say that we've competed in the talent competition at Abbott's Magic Get Together. And won 2nd place. Very inspiring.

Mike Thorton joined our ranks and his participation has been exceptional. The Close Up Competition (winner), featured performer and sharing performance tips and advice in our educational topics.

Ming & Barbara are performing all over the state and still inspiring me. And John Russell  travels and performs his magic near and far.  Phil Mann is always looking for a new effect for his show and incorporating escapes. Including underwater escapes in my swimming pool. (Do you want to try it again in January, Phil?)

I believe we inspire each other to strive to be our best, learn something new and share our talents and gifts we each other.

Keep up the good work.

Your President and Friend,
Dan Jones. AAMC.

Secretary's Report

By Karl Rabe

August Meeting

Our meeting started off with our President, Dan Jones and his ESP Lamp. The lamp correctly predicted selected cards by flashing answers to a series of questions, even correctly divining the selected 14 of Spades. Members found the performance illuminating.

Next it was time for announcements.

  • Dan introduced a few guests. Alexander the Magician joined us. Alexander is a professional magician currently based in Ann Arbor. Chuck Kimbrough is a former member and a face familiar to many in the club.
  • Dan also gave us a quick recap of the recent club picnic hosted at his home where member Phil Mann performed his underwater escape chained to a bowling ball. Both survived as evidenced by both Phil and the Bowling Ball being present at the meeting.
  • Club Secretary Karl Rabe provided a recap of Abbott's 86th Get Together and the many members that attended. Karl and his son Bill were congratulated for winning second place in Abbott's Stage Competition.
  • Member Tara McAllister will be performing at the American Museum of Magic on Saturday August 31 (time TBD).
  • RIng 22 President Johnny New York was on hand to share that Ring 22 will be hosting Michigan Magic Day on May 17, 2025. Keep your calendars free and let's do everything we can to support our friends across town.
  • Our Vice President Sean Howell announced that there are still some performer slots open for the Parlor Show coming up in October. Members wishing to perform should contact Sean.

Next, was an open discussion on Ethics facilitated by Tara McAllister. A number of members provided insight including Dan Jones, Ming Louie, John Russell, Karl Rabe and Alex Heath.

Club Secretary Karl Rabe delivered an educational lecture on The Binary Principle. Beginning with a Keno Lotto divination, Karl then explained step-by-step the basics of the principle, different ways to disguise the principle and how you can create your own effects. Members present were provided with a set of Keno Cards, Betting Sheets and instructions for performing the effect.

Then it was time for performances.

  • Our guest Alexander the Magician performed a stunning coins across routine from his show.
  • Ming Louie performed a Phoenix burned and restored ribbon
  • Phil Mann performed his bowling ball chain escape on dry land with some comedy added in.
  • April Barrett performed a nice variation of the coloring book using a Teddy Bear and some crayons.
  • Tara McAllister shared a segment of the Losander Floating Table routine she is working on.
  • Alex Heath performed a cups and balls routine
  • Ron Hoole spoon bending routine only to show that he turned the spoon into a fork.
  • Karl Rabe performed Danny Archer's Pick a Coin routine which he learned from Danny's lecture at the Get Together.
  • Johnny New York performed a Casino Poker Test which began with his famous Bushel Basket Shuffle.

With the little time left, members jammed and socialized until the lights were turned out.

Around the Town

By Karl Rabe

Calendar of Events


John Sturk Lecture

Tonight is the John Sturk lecture at the club. You won't want to miss it! Free for members. $15 for others.

Pop Up Magic Shop

Tables are still available. Contact Rob Krozal or reserve online on our homepage at

Fall Parlor Show

Tickets are now on sale for our Fall Parlor Show. Please help us promote the show by helping to sell tickets. Packets of tickets for members to sell will be available at our Sept and Oct meetings. Please see a board member if you need more tickets. Tickets can also be purchased online at

Members Performing

Members Ming and Barbara Louie will be performing free outdoor public shows at the following venues. Ming writes, "Come if you can, talk story, laugh, same tired tricks, still...might be fun".

  • Saturday & Sunday September 14 and 15,
    Saturday & Sunday October 5 and 6 shows at 1pm, 2:30pm, and 4pm both weekends. Erie Orchards & Cider Mill in Erie Michigan. Hayrides, petting zoo, vendors, food trucks, and craft people.
  • Sunday September 22, three shows in the afternoon, times to be determined. Victorian Festival in Northville Michigan. No end of fun distractions, live music, reenactors, vendors, crafters, booze, food and a parade.

Money back guarantee if disappointed!

Member Lady Sarah & Keith Fields host the Magic Soirée at Camp Ticonderoga resuming for the season on September 14. Enjoy dinner and magic on Fridays, Saturdays and some Sundays. Details at

Member Mike Thornton will be performing at the Magic Soiree September 20. Come out and support local magic.

Other Calendars

Past Events

On Sat. Aug. 31st Tara McCallister performed at the American Museum of Magic in Marshall, MI.
It was an amazing show full of magic, mystery and story telling. The capacity crowd was mesmerized. We'll done Tara.

A few more pictures from Colon


Funny Business

By Karl Rabe


Swag is now in stock and for sale. Contact Treasurer Rob Krozal to get your's today!

Visit the club website for past issues, calendar of upcoming events, and other features and articles.


Join our Private Facebook Group to connect and exchange ideas and information with other members.


Like our Public Facebook Page and share it with Friends and Family.

The 2025 Ann Arbor Magic Club Board

Contact the board using these email addresses



Updated: December 10, 2024 — 4:14 pm
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