Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

Article Category: Funny Business

Funny Business

Bad Jokes How does Tara stay cool in the summer? She uses slight-of-fan. A good magician’s assistant is hard to find. They’re highly sawed after. Mike’s son asked him to make him a paper airplane. He tried all the magic he knew but his son is still just a boy. What’s a magician’s favorite kind […]

Funny Business

The answer to last month’s Flashback Funny Business: The posted cartoon appeared in the February 2014 issue of the Magic Messenger. The Secretary at the time was Randy “The Remarkable” Smith. Sadly Randy passed away unexpectedly a few years back. This week we have a Matching Puzzle. Match the Member with the decade they joined […]

Funny Business

The answer to last month’s matching puzzle is below. Member Year Joined Jeff Boyer 1970s Jeff Walters 1980s Don Oesterwind 1990s Roger Simmons 2000s Ming Louie 2010s Phil Mann 2020s    

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