Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

Website Content Instructions

Safety First

A few cautions. Do NOT post...

  • email addresses [VERY IMPORTANT]
  • phone numbers
  • addresses
  • any other personally identifiable information you would prefer not to be "in the wild".

Refer to the "Contact" page on the website instead. Or say "call me" or "email me" without providing your phone number or email address. Members can look up your phone number or email address in our directory.

How to post to the Newsfeed

NOTE: Posting to the newsfeed automatically replicates the post to Facebook the first time. If you EDIT an existing post, Facebook is not updated.

  • Navigate to the website (
  • Click ADMIN LOGIN in the upper right
  • Log in with your email and password
  • You should now have a black bar across the top of the home page
    • Mouse over the +NEW choice and click POST in the pull down
    • Type in the TITLE
    • Type in the BODY
    • In the lower right click on SET FEATURED IMAGE and Choose your headshot or another appropriate graphic from the Media Library. The featured image will appear as a thumbnail in the Newsfeed and will also appear on Facebook.
      • To simplify finding frequently used feature images, you can filter the media library on media category = Frequently Used Feature Images.
      • For Product Reviews hosted on mylovelyassistant (MLA), use the External Featured Image instead and paste a URL to the product thumbnail from the MLA website.
    • Click the applicable Category (not to be confused with Media Category). The category will cause the post to appear in the appropriate Features section on the web site. If you see your post on the front page but not on the Feature page, you probably forgot to checkmark the category. You can go back in and do this at any time.
      • Ex Libris
      • Arcanum
      • Inventor's Notebook
      • Product Reviews
    • Back at the Add New Post, click on PUBLISH

Content Tips

This provides general guidance on how to format text and add pictures to articles and posts.


There are two ways to add pictures to an article or post. One is adding individual pictures, the other is adding a gallery of pictures. Use a gallery when you have a number of pictures from a meeting or event.

  • To add a single picture, position your cursor in the body where you want the picture to appear.
    • Click the ADD MEDIA button
    • This will pop-up the media library. There will be two tabs, Upload Files and Media Library.
    • Click the UPLOAD FILES tab to add pictures from your PC.
    • Click the SELECT FILES button and choose the picture(s) from your PC
    • Click to INSERT INTO PAGE
  • For displaying a picture of a BOOK (Ex Libris), there is an option to display the image using the URL, rather than actually uploading the photo to the AAMC website. To do this, it is recommended to link to AMAZON as a reliable source of sustainable URLs for books.
    • First find the URL of the Book Cover. DO NOT use the image that is presented on the main Amazon page for the book. That URL has a gazillion characters and won't work in WordPress. Instead, below the Image on the left of the Amazon main page for the book you will see something like "See all 2 images". Click on that and a window will pop up with the images. Mouse over the image you want, right click, and select COPY URL.
    • Now back at the AAMC Website, in the Insert Media menu, choose INSERT FROM URL. Past your URL in the URL field. If you want to add a caption you can do this there too.

In most cases, I recommend Left Justifying single images after you insert them. This will cause the text to flow around them and look very magazine like.


How to publish the Magic Messenger [IGNORE THIS SECTIO FOR NOW]

Content Authors

The following is performed for each section of the Magic Messenger (MM) by the appropriate content author.

  • Navigate to the website (
  • Click ADMIN LOGIN in the upper right
  • Log in with your email and password
  • You should now have a black bar across the top of the home page
    • Mouse over the +NEW choice and click ARTICLE in the pull down
    • On the right side of the page
      • Click the ISSUE for which this article is for (Jan 2015, etc)
      • Click the ARITCLE CATEGORY for this article (Around the Town, etc)
      • SET FEATURED IMAGE and Choose your headshot or another appropriate graphic from the Media Library. The featured image will appear in the header for that section in the MM.
    • Back at the top, type in the SUBJECT to match your ARTICLE CATEGORY (Around the Town, etc)
    • Populate the BODY with your content. See more notes below about entering content, pictures and formatting.
    • When you are done, click on PUBLISH
    • Even though you publish your ARTICLE, the MM will not be released until the ISSUE is published.


The following is performed by the Publisher to release the MM.

  • Navigate to the website (
  • Click ADMIN LOGIN in the upper right
  • Log in with your email and password
  • You should now have a black bar across the top of the home page
  • Click the words Ann Arbor Magic Club in the upper left. A Menu on the left side should appear.
  • In the left bar mouse over ARTICLES and pick ISSUES from the menu that pops up.
  • Mouse over the ISSUE NAME in the right section and select EDIT
  • Change the ISSUE STATUS to LIVE
  • Scroll down to the bottom and click UPDATE
  • The issue is now published.

Updated: February 12, 2017 — 4:35 pm
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