Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88



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NOTICE OF RESTRICTED LICENSE: Ticket holder expressly assumes all risks and dangers incidental to the event for which this ticket is issued, whether occurring prior to, during or subsequent to same, including specifically, but not exclusively, the danger of being injured by Acts of God, magic tricks gone wrong, other magicians or other ticket holders. The Ann Arbor Magic Club (also known as AAMC, IBM RING 210 and SAM 88), the organization(s) sponsoring or promoting the event, their respective officers, directors, agents, and employees and contractors are expressly released by ticket holder from any and all claims, including claims for injury from or in any way connected to the foregoing. This ticket is a revocable license and may be revoked at any time for any reason. Management and the AAMC reserve the right to refuse admission or to eject any person(s) whose conduct management and the AAMC deem, at its sole discretion, disorderly, disruptive or careless.

Updated: May 12, 2023 — 12:04 pm
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