Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

Current Messenger

On the Cover

By Karl Rabe

Magic Messenger August 2023

Mike Bogdas wins the coveted Close Up Showcase First Place Trophy with his original, clever, unique and entertaining Tannen's Magic Shop routine.

President's Corner

By Dan Jones

Hello Fellow Ring 210 & Assembly 88 Members,
Our meeting is Wednesday, August 9th at the Plymouth Community Arts Council from 7-9 pm.
The educational topic this month is "What to do with your Thumb Tips"? So everyone bring a thumb tip and your ideas to share. And as always please bring anything that you would like to show, share or preview to the club. We ARE a magic club and we should have plenty of magic at our meetings.
Our annual club picnic is coming up this Saturday, August 12th from 12-3 pm at the home of our President Dan Jones. The club will provide burgers and hotdogs and the fixings.  Please bring a dish to share if you'd like, a beverage, a chair and some magic. More details at the meeting and in the newsletter.
Our annual magic flea market has been rebranded to a "Pop Up Magic Shop". It will be help on Saturday, Sept. 23rd at the Plymouth Community Arts Council from 12-3 pm. Reserve your table now.

Secretary's Report

By Karl Rabe

Our meeting was called to order by President Dan Jones and we kicked off with our get-to-know-you round table question where members introduced themselves and then told us about their "favorite holiday magic trick". Many members seem to enjoy Halloween the most, although Christmas was a close second. Answers included Mis-Made Flag, Santa Elf Nose, Cake in Dove Pan, Floating Skull, 20th Century Silks and Spider on Back of Hand.

After some bits of business, including financial report from our Treasurer Rob Krozal, it was on to the special event for the evening.

We conducted our first Annual Close-Up Showcase. Six  members were stationed at separate tables and they each performed a 5 minute close-up routine. The audience was divided up across all the tables. After the 5 minute routine a bell was rung and the audience rotated to the next table. Each performer did their routine six times. Mike Bogdas performed a creative and original routine that took the audience on a trip to Tannen's Magic Shop in NYC. Ron Hoole performed a version of Card Warp using a playing card and. a dollar bill. Dan Jones did a routine including a four-jack transformation, a card warp, and a card and die prediction trick. Phil Mann did a coin through table, his own variation of coin through record album and finally a variation of the classic Adams' Magic Coin Box. Kevin Peshick performed a rendition of the classic Do as I Do card plot utilizing a mirror though which the magic worked. And finally, Karl Rabe performed a Wild Card routine modeled after Tommy Wonder's handling with an original baseball card twist.

Each spectator then voted for their favorite performance and the winner, Mike Bogdas was awarded the coveted AAMC Close Up Trophy.

Mike Bogdas displays his Closeup Showcase First Place Trophy for his original routine that took spectators on a trip to Tannen’s in NYC. Spectators selected various tricks to be demonstrated and the act concluded with a card box routine and a recommendation from Lou Tannen himself to “vote for Mike”


Sean Naes passed out the autographed and framed posters from our May Show. If you performed in the show and weren't at the meeting to get your poster, follow up with Sean.


Mirf Tales

By Sean Howell

Mirf is taking some well deserved vacation time. He will be back next month.

Around the Town

By Karl Rabe

Calendar of Events

Other Calendars

Past Events

A number of club members joined Lifetime Club Member and former Club President Marvin Mathena to celebrate his 88th Birthday. Kevin Peshik coordinated the event. Enjoy some photos.

Funny Business

By Karl Rabe


Swag is now in stock and for sale. Contact Treasurer Rob Krozal to get your's today!

Visit the club website for past issues, calendar of upcoming events, and other features and articles.


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The 2025 Ann Arbor Magic Club Board

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Updated: December 10, 2024 — 4:14 pm
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