Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

The Secretary’s Report

May Meeting

Our meeting was called to order by President Dan Jones and we kicked off with a get-to-know-you round table question where members introduced themselves and then told us about their "non-magic-related" hobbies, skills and interests. Answers ranged from outdoorsmen, table tennis, martial arts and even operating a rattery.

Next were some reminders about upcoming events the club is holding, including an Open House at the Library, helping with a performing arts summer camp, our May Parlor Show and plans for a Close Up Showcase at our July meeting.

After our treasurer's report and other bits of business it was on to the magic where several performers practiced their routine for the May show.

  • Mark Phelps kicked us off with a tiny deck routine, then a salt pour and tea cup routine, and concluded with a jumbo brainwave that tied back to the tiny deck.
  • Dalton Cahill performed a bit of spooky magic with a reverse prediction.
  • Mike Bogdas produced a balloon animal chosen at random with the final reveal of instructions for the chosen animal being discovered inside the inflated balloon.
  • Karl Rabe performed the classic Jumping Knot.
  • Then Phil Mann performed a trio of routines, kicking off with the Yellow Bandana, then a socks routine with a spectator where one of the spectator's socks disappears and reappears tied between the magicians socks. Finally Phil concluded with a Zombie routine harkening back to the styrofoam zombie ball his mother made for him.
  • Boyu Chen performed a card trick and also provided a lesson on riffle shuffling.
  • The final act was Cap'n Sean and his cat Mirf (the club mouser). Mirf correctly located a chosen card.

Library Open House

We had a decent turnout for the Open House we held at the Plymouth Library to help market our upcoming Parlor Show.

Parlor Show

The Parlor Show was a big success with two sold out shows. Thanks to everyone who volunteered.

  • Production: Sean Howell (Producer, Emcee) & Tracy Howell (Stage Manager)
  • Stage Performers: Karl & Bill Rabe, Mike Bogdas, Mark Phelps, Phil Mann, Dan Jones, Don & Jacob Oesterwind and Sean Naes with Mirf the Club Mouser.
  • Stage Hands, Load-in & Load-out: Jim Molnar, Jacob Oesterwind, David Papow, Gerald Heilman
  • Balloons: Jim Molnar, April Barrett (in character as Bling-E the Clown)
  • Ticket Sales: Patty Rabe, Jackie Clark, Karl Rabe (online Sales & Marketing)
  • Photos: Patty Rabe, Jackie Clark
  • Ushers: Barbara and Ming Louie, Chris Johnson
  • Concessions: Rob Krozal, The Bogdas Family (Popcorn)
  • Finances: Rob Krozal
  • Sound: Carl Wallace
  • Poster Model: Dan Jones
  • Rodent Control: Mirf
  • Graphics: Daniel Kearsey (Dan created our poster free of charge)

Daniel Kearsey is a graphic designer and artist specializing in sports and entertainment illustration. His work often focuses on trading card illustration, poster design and more. Learn more about Daniel at


Special thanks also to Don Oesterwind who purchased a large block of tickets for each show.

Photos below by Jackie Clark and Patty Rabe.

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