Our meeting was called to order by President Dan Jones. We Kicked off with a new feature - Rob's Corner. Our club Treasurer Rob Krozal will periodically share apparatus from his collection. This month Rob showed us his Sword Thru Dove (from Essel Magic) and an Oriental Production Box built in the Okito-Berg Style.
Then we covered some business.
- A reminder that annual dues are due.
- A quick review of our annual goals
- A discussion on achieving tax-exempt status (501.c.3)
- Treasurer Rob Krozal walked us through the proposed budget for 2024.
- During the business discussion questions were raised from members on a) club insurance for shows and b) hosting events at a time when "working performers" can participate.
- A reminder that we will be hosting a lecture by Nathan Kranzo at our March meeting. This will be free for members.
- Sergeant at Arms Mike Bogdas informed us that we will be holding the Second Annual Close-up Showcase at our April Meeting. Look for an email about this shortly.
- It was stressed that all members should make sure to read the February Newsletter for a recap of this important information.
Then it was on to our education session for the month - Balloon Artistry. Dan Jones, April Barrett, Kay Janiczek, Brian Campbell and Jim Molnar are all club members with expertise in balloons. First Dan kicked us off with some basic and how to make a dog. Then April shared a number of resources for balloons and lights and showed us how to take a simple dog and jazz it up with glitz and glamor. Kay shared some line work tips, walked us through a variety of pump styles then walked us through a tutorial on making an improved sword. Brian jumped in with advice throughout sharing tips and tricks from his experience.
Then there was just a bit of time for member performances.
- Bou-Yu Chen did an impromptu Deck of Cards in Balloon
- Michael Doyle did a mysterious Bosun Whistle (boatswain's call or pipe) story and then a Mental Die routine also using the Bosun Whistle.
- Tara McAllister performed a Charming Chinese Challenge ribbon and coin routine. The coins penetrated the ribbon multiple times, several times in the spectator's hands. She then did a comedy ribbon escape routine using Dan Jones and Kay Janiczek as assistants.
- Alex Heath. Did a four queen assembly, an impromptu ring on finger routine and finally a card discovery routine based on an ambitious card move.
- Charlie Palko then did a nice deck of cards / box penetration then a selected card was returned to the deck which then transformed into an envelop containing the selected card. Finally he wrapped up with a selected card turning out to be the only non-blank card in the deck.
- Phil Mann wrapped up the evening with an Abbott's effect with a martini glass being shattered by spirits while under a crystal cube.