Greetings AAMC Members & Friends. Happy New Year to All. We in the Ann Arbor Magic Club are looking forward to another great year. We are putting together the calendar for 2024 and there are many opportunities for everyone to get involved. We're always looking for members to perform magic in our parlor shows or as a featured performer to kick off one of our meetings. We have a club full of talented magicians skilled in many aspects of magic who are willing to share and collaborate on performance techniques. What place could be better to come talk magic, share magic, learn magic and show off your new acts and effects.
Be sure to mark your calendars now for the second Wednesday of each month from 7-9 pm at the Plymouth Community Arts Council.
Lastly I would like to remind all members that our dues are due in January. You can pay our club treasurer Rob Krozal at the meeting or pay online at our website.
Let's make this a truly magical year all around.
Dan Jones, President AAMC.