Ann Arbor Magic Club

IBM 210 - SAM 88

The President’s Corner

Hello & Happy New Year AAMC Members and Friends.
We, the board of the AAMC are looking forward to another magical and fun year for our club. We have several events planned and on the calendar and hope to create some spontaneous day trips, magic jams and hang out times to promote friendships and improve our skills in magic.
One event we have planned is to "Meet the AAMC", a Magic Open House at the Plymouth Library on Saturday, February 18th from 2-4 pm. We hope to have several club members there to demonstrate magic to kids and adults who have planned to come and see us or just happened to stop by that day.
Later this month we may make a run out to ABC Magic to shop, visit and have a mini workshop with Dave Shnieder in Macomb Township. Stay tuned for further details.
At our January meeting on Wednesday the 11th we will hold the club elections. There is only one candidate for each position, so they will be running unopposed. Remember all positions are for two year terms. The slate is as follows.
  • President - Dan Jones
  • Vice Pres.- Sean Naes
  • Treasurer  - Rob Krozal
  • Secretary - Karl Rabe
  • Sgt of Arms - Mike Bogdas
Attention! This is a very important announcement.  Our annual aamc dues are due in January. We hope not to lose any member off of the roster. So if you want to continue receiving "The Magic Messenger", our excellent newsletter and stay connected and active in the club then please submit your dues to our Treasurer  Rob Krozal. You can also pay online at the club website ( ). Look just below the logo in the upper right hand corner. Thank You.
Our magic theme for January's meeting is " silver". Interpret that how you will.
And the question at the meeting will be; What is your magic resolution?
We had a wonderful Christmas/ holiday party at our December meeting. There was magic, music, candy and a fun "White Elephant" gift exchange. One of the gifts was a collectable deck of cards from the IBM 100th anniversary convention this past August in Atlanta. The cards were brought by Don Oesterwind who attended the convention with Gerald Heilman.
Gerry graciously donated a door prize at the meeting consisting of two collectable posters from the IBM event. One of David Copperfield and the other signed by all the performers. Very nice Gerry. Thank You.
They were won by Bob Goodwin.
A special thank you to Barbara Louie who gave each of us a hand made Christmas ornament.
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