Greetings everyone... hope this finds you enjoying the break in the weather and a taste of spring!
Just a reminder about our meeting this Wednesday at 7pm at Denny's on Ann Arbor Rd and I-275 featuring a lecture with John Luka titled, "Secrets You Can And Will Use". At just $5 for members ($15 for non-members), this first lecture of 2015 promises to be chock full of great information and magic! (BTW, John asked me to tell you that if you do "Professor's Nightmare", bring along a set of ropes... he'll show you a couple new moves!). If you wish to eat, please arrive early enough to be served in the dining room before 7pm.
In addition, I'll introduce a couple new segments; we've got a couple new members to vote into membership; plus banquet tickets will be available for sale!
Speaking of the banquet, it's coming up this Sunday, 15 March at Weber's Inn in Ann Arbor. Tickets are just $30 each and includes a wonderful meal, and a full show by Eli Portala! Doors open at 12:30; Lunch is served at 1:00; Eli is on at 2, followed by a meet-n-greet! This promises to be a great afternoon of magical food, fellowship, and fun! If you haven't already, you can sign up and pay by clicking here, or seeing me on Wednesday.
Know someone interested in magic? Why not invite them to join you? Remember: first time visitors get a free copy of the original Tarbell Correspondence Course on cd!
Hope to see you Wednesday (and Sunday)!
Magically Yours,
John Russell