First off, I would like to thank all those who donated their time
performing magic at the Light The Night Walk 2014 and
represented the AAMC. Thank you Scott Kindschy , Dan Jones,
Randy and Pam Smith for being there.
Our October 26th Magic Flea Market went well even though the
turnout from the public was smaller than previous ears. Thank you
John Russell, Bill Brang, Scott Kindshey, Jim Folkl and anyone
else who I missed for setting things up, running it and taking things
down when it was over. It was mentioned that perhaps we should
have it on a different weekend like the end of September, the first
of October or the first of November. What are your feelings on
this? Should we also have a cutoff date for Vendors?
Wednesday, November 12th, is our next Membership Meeting at
7:00 PM. Please come to this important meeting because there will
be a vote on whether or not we should move to the Denny's on Ann
Arbor Road in Plymouth as a permanent home for our club. Also,
the theme for the night is "Money Magic.
We will have an Officer's Meeting at 6:00 PM before the General
Membership Meeting.
The Motor City Closeup Convention is on November 14th and
15th in Woodhaven, MI at the Best Western Hotel. (21700 West
Rd. at I-75)The admission for pre-registration is $125.00 and at the door
$135.00. There will be no refunds for this event after November
March 15th is the date for the AAMC Banquet and it will be held
at Weber's Inn in Ann Arbor from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Please
reserve that special date on your calendar.
Our Christmas gathering will be on Wednesday, December 10th at
Denny's in Plymouth, MI. (39550 Ann Arbor Road). It will be
begin at 7:00 PM. Please bring your magic to this evening of
Please remember Marvin Mathena who is still having heart
problems and needs to be operated on in the near future. Please do
send him a card or talk to him on the phone.
There a couple of November birthdays. They are Sally Honer (November 11th) and Judy Bloomer (November 14th). Happy Birthday to the two of you from the AAMC.
Remember, there will be an Officers meeting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, November 12th.
I'll see all of you at our next meeting. Please do bring your
"Money Magic".
Bill Brang